Responses from Candidates in Highlands East
Question #1
What actions have you personally taken to live a more sustainable lifestyle and lower your greenhouse gas emissions?
Dave Burton:
"In my home, I have installed LED lighting, and upgraded my windows to be more efficient, increased the insulation in the home, and put in an on-demand water heater. I have also limited my driving and done more ZOOM and conference calls to minimize my gas consumption."
Cheryl Ellis:
"I grow my vegetables in the summer, expanding my gardens every year, limit my shopping trips by purchasing enough to last 3 weeks, repair instead of replacing broken appliances when I can, I never leave my vehicle idling, we have chickens for eggs and meat and raise our own beef. "
Ward 1
Cam McKenzie -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 2
Janice Dahms -- NO RESPONSE
Angela Lewis -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 3
Cecil Ryall -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 4
Ruth Strong -- NO RESPONSE
What actions have you personally taken to live a more sustainable lifestyle and lower your greenhouse gas emissions?
Dave Burton:
"In my home, I have installed LED lighting, and upgraded my windows to be more efficient, increased the insulation in the home, and put in an on-demand water heater. I have also limited my driving and done more ZOOM and conference calls to minimize my gas consumption."
Cheryl Ellis:
"I grow my vegetables in the summer, expanding my gardens every year, limit my shopping trips by purchasing enough to last 3 weeks, repair instead of replacing broken appliances when I can, I never leave my vehicle idling, we have chickens for eggs and meat and raise our own beef. "
Ward 1
Cam McKenzie -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 2
Janice Dahms -- NO RESPONSE
Angela Lewis -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 3
Cecil Ryall -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 4
Ruth Strong -- NO RESPONSE
Question #2
What opportunities for climate leadership and/or environmental protection do you see at the municipal level, eg. lowering greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector, land use planning, transportation or other?
Dave Burton:
"On a municipal level, Highlands East has had the street lighting changed to LED. We are looking into changing our municipal vehicles to green vehicles The committees of the council are always looking to improve our municipal buildings, The library in Wilberforce was green built with the help of Fleming College. We have with the help of community members put in community gardens in our municipalities. The Environmental Committee is annually sponsoring the Earth Day Cleanup. Saving our planet and our community is important to me and I look forward to continuing the process.
Leading by example is important. That is why our Green Committee has been actively working for years to come up with solutions to improve our community. This has been done utilizing the best in technology to accomplish our goals. Simple things like improving insulation and working with the builders in the community to use more green materials in their construction are important. Reducing the minimum square footage size for our homes in Highlands East has provided a benefit not only to the new homeowner but also to those that are starting out or downsizing."
Cheryl Ellis:
"I would like introduce a no idling policy. Create incentives to build energy efficient buildings. When possible purchase low energy appliances, install energy efficient light bulbs in Municipal buildings."
Ward 1
Cam McKenzie -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 2
Janice Dahms -- NO RESPONSE
Angela Lewis -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 3
Cecil Ryall -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 4
Ruth Strong -- NO RESPONSE
What opportunities for climate leadership and/or environmental protection do you see at the municipal level, eg. lowering greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector, land use planning, transportation or other?
Dave Burton:
"On a municipal level, Highlands East has had the street lighting changed to LED. We are looking into changing our municipal vehicles to green vehicles The committees of the council are always looking to improve our municipal buildings, The library in Wilberforce was green built with the help of Fleming College. We have with the help of community members put in community gardens in our municipalities. The Environmental Committee is annually sponsoring the Earth Day Cleanup. Saving our planet and our community is important to me and I look forward to continuing the process.
Leading by example is important. That is why our Green Committee has been actively working for years to come up with solutions to improve our community. This has been done utilizing the best in technology to accomplish our goals. Simple things like improving insulation and working with the builders in the community to use more green materials in their construction are important. Reducing the minimum square footage size for our homes in Highlands East has provided a benefit not only to the new homeowner but also to those that are starting out or downsizing."
Cheryl Ellis:
"I would like introduce a no idling policy. Create incentives to build energy efficient buildings. When possible purchase low energy appliances, install energy efficient light bulbs in Municipal buildings."
Ward 1
Cam McKenzie -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 2
Janice Dahms -- NO RESPONSE
Angela Lewis -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 3
Cecil Ryall -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 4
Ruth Strong -- NO RESPONSE
Question #3
What long term solutions do you envision for the protection of wetlands and water quality in Haliburton County?
Dave Burton:
"There have been several initiatives in Haliburton County and Highlands East. We have instituted a septic reinspection program. This Reinspection program has benefited all our local lakes and protected our wetlands, not to mention our watershed. We have also been working with our trails committee to build a robust hiking community to experience our wonderful natural vistas. With minimum impact on the wetlands, the county council established, after much debate, shoreline protection for our lakes and waterways.
It is to be noted that within Highlands East 50% of the lands are protected and we are always working with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Lands.
All these programs are protecting our environment not only for ourselves but for future generations."
Cheryl Ellis:
"The Shoreline preservation bylaw is one long term solution that Haliburton County has wisely put together. As a recent new home builder I would like to stress the importance of correct drainage on all new builds."
Ward 1
Cam McKenzie -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 2
Janice Dahms -- NO RESPONSE
Angela Lewis -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 3
Cecil Ryall -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 4
Ruth Strong -- NO RESPONSE
What long term solutions do you envision for the protection of wetlands and water quality in Haliburton County?
Dave Burton:
"There have been several initiatives in Haliburton County and Highlands East. We have instituted a septic reinspection program. This Reinspection program has benefited all our local lakes and protected our wetlands, not to mention our watershed. We have also been working with our trails committee to build a robust hiking community to experience our wonderful natural vistas. With minimum impact on the wetlands, the county council established, after much debate, shoreline protection for our lakes and waterways.
It is to be noted that within Highlands East 50% of the lands are protected and we are always working with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Lands.
All these programs are protecting our environment not only for ourselves but for future generations."
Cheryl Ellis:
"The Shoreline preservation bylaw is one long term solution that Haliburton County has wisely put together. As a recent new home builder I would like to stress the importance of correct drainage on all new builds."
Ward 1
Cam McKenzie -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 2
Janice Dahms -- NO RESPONSE
Angela Lewis -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 3
Cecil Ryall -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 4
Ruth Strong -- NO RESPONSE
Question #4
Do you support the implementation of the shoreline preservation by-law in its current form with authority for its implementation given to the County?
Dave Burton:
"The members of the County Board have been working exhaustively to provide a comprehensive plan to protect our number one asset in Haliburton County. There has been a great deal of debate around the issue, with many varying views on both sides being expressed. One thing that has been considered is the implementation of the by-law. This like the septic reinspection program at our lakes takes a while to filter down to the municipalities, who then need to figure out a way to implement it. My main concern is the cost of enforcement. We do not want to raise taxes, so we are examining this at the council and the county to figure out the best approach to benefit all of us."
Cheryl Ellis:
"I have read the by-law and I believe it will be beneficial to our county. The by-law is flexable and with the correct administration I believe it will definitely allow our County to preserve our Lakes for our children. I support the by-law but perhaps a few small changes may improve it."
Ward 1
Cam McKenzie -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 2
Janice Dahms -- NO RESPONSE
Angela Lewis -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 3
Cecil Ryall -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 4
Ruth Strong -- NO RESPONSE
Do you support the implementation of the shoreline preservation by-law in its current form with authority for its implementation given to the County?
Dave Burton:
"The members of the County Board have been working exhaustively to provide a comprehensive plan to protect our number one asset in Haliburton County. There has been a great deal of debate around the issue, with many varying views on both sides being expressed. One thing that has been considered is the implementation of the by-law. This like the septic reinspection program at our lakes takes a while to filter down to the municipalities, who then need to figure out a way to implement it. My main concern is the cost of enforcement. We do not want to raise taxes, so we are examining this at the council and the county to figure out the best approach to benefit all of us."
Cheryl Ellis:
"I have read the by-law and I believe it will be beneficial to our county. The by-law is flexable and with the correct administration I believe it will definitely allow our County to preserve our Lakes for our children. I support the by-law but perhaps a few small changes may improve it."
Ward 1
Cam McKenzie -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 2
Janice Dahms -- NO RESPONSE
Angela Lewis -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 3
Cecil Ryall -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 4
Ruth Strong -- NO RESPONSE
Question #5
Would you support County Climate Plan greenhouse emission targets that are based on a fair share of the cuts required to keep global warming at or below 1.5 °C?
Dave Burton:
"My thinking is what choice do we have? Look at what is happening to our climate. Do we have the luxury of ignoring these targets? Environmental issues are important to us all and we need to take them seriously. As you can see by my answers, in Highlands East we have been taking positive steps to protect our environment. As we move forward, we will continue to consider the protection of our environment in our decision-making process. Thank you for this opportunity."
Cheryl Ellis:
"I am pleased to say we are on the lower end of the emissions list. I believe we are reaching our targets in Canada as a whole. I would love to see China and the United States reach the targets set out by the Paris Agreement."
Ward 1
Cam McKenzie -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 2
Janice Dahms -- NO RESPONSE
Angela Lewis -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 3
Cecil Ryall -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 4
Ruth Strong -- NO RESPONSE
Would you support County Climate Plan greenhouse emission targets that are based on a fair share of the cuts required to keep global warming at or below 1.5 °C?
Dave Burton:
"My thinking is what choice do we have? Look at what is happening to our climate. Do we have the luxury of ignoring these targets? Environmental issues are important to us all and we need to take them seriously. As you can see by my answers, in Highlands East we have been taking positive steps to protect our environment. As we move forward, we will continue to consider the protection of our environment in our decision-making process. Thank you for this opportunity."
Cheryl Ellis:
"I am pleased to say we are on the lower end of the emissions list. I believe we are reaching our targets in Canada as a whole. I would love to see China and the United States reach the targets set out by the Paris Agreement."
Ward 1
Cam McKenzie -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 2
Janice Dahms -- NO RESPONSE
Angela Lewis -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 3
Cecil Ryall -- NO RESPONSE
Ward 4
Ruth Strong -- NO RESPONSE