Climate Action Muskoka has compiled a very comprehensive list
List of ideas to reduce GHGs in our municipality
- continue to meet remotely, whenever possible, to reduce emissions
- maximize energy efficiency by increasing the insulation in Town buildings;
- maximize energy efficiency by replacing windows in Town buildings with better energy efficiency windows
- reduce fees for building permits for new buildings that drawdown carbon through climate positive design and using climate smart materials and construction methods
- require that new community centres and other institutional structures, i.e. large, public construction investments, use carbon sequestering construction materials and to be carbon positive. Include a carbon positive requirement in all building tender calls.
- host an information session for local builders on the use of building materials with a low upfront carbon footprint, and existing supply lines for these materials
- investigate opportunities for new local industry to produce carbon-capturing building materials from local recyclable materials
- provide incentives for the use of heat pumps in retrofits and require their installation in all new builds
- use life-cycle costing, which includes so-called “externalities” such as environmental impacts, GHG emissions, and disposal in order to clarify the true costs of any decision.
- build affordable social housing to Passive House Standard
- develop a low-cost loan program to assist homeowners in retro-fitting their homes and for converting to sustainable energy
- increase shade trees for buildings, walkways and streets
- develop a tree cutting bylaw to protect this climate-mitigating natural resource.
- install solar panels on Town buildings
- work with local energy suppliers to develop a 100% renewable energy digital smart grid to provide greater resilience, fewer outages, cleaner air, lower and more predictable energy costs
- decrease water consumption
- provide drinking fountains complete with water bottle filling stations in all public buildings and outdoor public spaces
- decrease paper use
- purchase fuel efficient vehicles
- buy electric vehicles
- install EV charging stations
- electrify everything – fleet, all maintenance tools, buildings
- incentivize local businesses (eg school bus providers) to electrify their fleets
- increase public transit
- improve bike and pedestrian-friendly streets
- develop extensive Haliburton-wide, safe, separated cycling infrastructure to capitalize on the growing reputation of Haliburton as a cycling destination
- encourage the federal government to develop laws to reduce use of fossil-fuel powered boats and non-muffled jet-skis and speedboats to reduce noise and carbon emissions. Also ask that they legislate “quiet lake” periods of the day
- provide the infrastructure for and promote low-carbon leisure activities such as walking, hiking, kayaking, canoeing, cycling for all municipal residents and visitors
- eliminate future building on floodplains.
- rescind existing building permits for land identified as a flood plain in the February 12, 2020 Flood Plain Mapping Project (FPMP)
- encourage updates to the Municipal Act which will strengthen the ability of municipalities to ensure natural shoreline vegetation remains intact; which requires natural revegetation of shorelines; and which provides significant fines for altering of natural shorelines
- preserve and protect natural wetlands, shoreline vegetation, forests, and other habitats (eg peat bogs), which sequester carbon
- promote healthy ecosystems and support regenerative sustainable organic agriculture and permaculture to build soil health and to sequester carbon
- expand existing composting opportunities in order to sequester carbon
- develop policy requiring restoration of unused aggregate sites whether publicly or privately-owned
- rethink roadside brush clearing practices in order to preserve trees. Consider lowered speed limits to reduce need for some ‘visibility’ clearing
- consider types of pavement (ie use permeable pavement where feasible)
- ban all single-use plastics, including shopping bags, clamshell containers, unnecessary fruit and vegetable repackaging, non-compostable take-out containers and utensils. Promote compostable take-out options or bring-your-own containers
- develop a financial incentive award for citizens or groups that have ideas or projects to improve the lifestyle and sustainability of life in Muskoka
Would you be willing to take the following action to reduce climate change?
[ ] maximize energy efficiency by increasing the insulation of your home;
[ ] maximize energy efficiency by replacing windows of your home with better energy efficiency
[ ] get rid of your second fridge
[ ] install solar panels
[ ] install a heat pump
[ ] decrease water consumption
[ ] decrease paper use
[ ] purchase a more fuel efficient vehicle
[ ] buy an electric vehicle
[ ] use public transit
[ ] increasingly walk
[ ] increase travel by bicycle